Our product collection is well selected to fits all gadgets in general and video gaming in specific with taking on consideration that works best , what fit best in most importantly that fits every budgets .
All products in this selection is all tested and highly qualified to be the real vitamins for your digital world
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Nintendo Switch pro Controller original

Take your gaming sessions up a notch with the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller (Black). It includes motion controls, HD rumble and built-in amiibo functionality. A must-have for classics like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, it can be used with the Switch, whether it's docked or undocked. It is available in black with a circuit detail on the front. It also features sturdy hand-gripping material.
Motion controls
HD Rumble
Built-in amiibo functionality
Nintendo controller includes charging cable
Sturdy material on hand grips
Circuit detail on the front of the controller